Fun Soccer Drills for 4 Year Olds

Is your child interested in playing soccer? Youโve come to the right place! We have some fun soccer drills for 4 year olds (which would be U-5) in this article.
Key Takeaways From This Article:
- The key to soccer drills for young players is to keep them all engaged.
- Passing and dribbling are essential skills that should be taught at a young age.
- Start them young! Create good habits, develop a passion in them, and make sure they are having fun.
Coaching young children can be challenging, especially when it comes to developing their skills and keeping them engaged.
That’s why soccer drills designed specifically for 4-year-olds can be incredibly beneficial. Here’s an example…
Letโs face it, four year olds can get distracted, frustrated, and disinterested often. Another kid picking their nose or a blade of grass can throw them off course.
Your priority as a parent or coach, should be to keep young soccer players always engaged.
The drills below focus on fundamental skills such as dribbling, passing, and shooting, but are tailored to the attention span and physical abilities of young athletes.
By introducing these drills at an early age, children can develop a love for the sport and build a strong foundation for future success!
What Are the Basic Soccer Skills for 4 Year Olds?
Before we get into the actual drills, letโs take a look at the basic skills soccer players should possess as a foundation.
Dribbling is the skill of controlling the ball while running with it. For young players, it’s best to start with a small ball and have them practice dribbling around cones or other obstacles.
Encourage them to use both feet and keep their head up while dribbling.
They should also keep the ball as close to them as possible.
This is a biggie…make sure the kids are in full control of their body and ball.
Passing is the skill of moving the ball to a teammate.
For young players, passing can be taught by having them pass the ball back and forth with a partner. Start with short passes and gradually increase the distance. The simpler the better!
Encourage them to use the inside of their foot to pass the ball.
Shooting can be taught by having them kick the ball into a small goal or target. Start with a stationary ball and gradually introduce a moving ball.
Teach them to use the inside of their foot or their laces (for advanced players) to shoot the ball.
What Are Good Soccer Drills for Four Year Olds?
Dribbling Drills
Cone Weave
- Set up cones in a straight line, about a yard apart.
- Have the child dribble the ball through the cones, weaving in and out.
- Coach them to keep their eyes up and their feet moving quickly.
Stop and Go
- Mark off a small area with cones and have the child dribble around inside the area.
- Call out “stop!” and have them stop the ball with their foot.
- Then call out “go!” and have them start dribbling again.
This drill helps develop their onfield listening, quick reflexes, and control.
Obstacle Course
- Set up cones, hurdles, or other obstacles in a zigzag pattern.
- Have the child dribble through the course, maneuvering around the obstacles.
- They should avoid the cones as best as possible.
This drill helps develop agility and spatial awareness.
When doing the dribbling drills, you donโt need to encourage the player to keep their head up (just yet, anyway). Instead, make sure they keep the ball close to their body while moving.
Passing Drills
Passing the right way is essential to the foundation of a player. Here are a few soccer drills for 4 year olds that focus on passing:
Pass the Ball Relay
- Players are divided into two teams and stand in a line facing each other.
- The first player on each team has a ball. On the coach’s signal, the first player passes the ball to the second player on their team, who then passes it back.
- The ball continues to be passed down the line until it reaches the last player, who runs to the front of the line and starts the passing again.
- The first team to complete the relay wins.
Partner Passing
- Players pair up and stand facing each other about 5-10 feet apart.
- One player starts with the ball and passes it to their partner, who then passes it back.
- Each player should make 10 passes and proceed to do it again with their weaker foot.
Teach the players to pass with the inside of their foot and on the ground.
Also, try to get them to pass it without it stopping. Many kids donโt put enough power behind their passes so itโs a good teaching moment.
Triangle Passing
- Players form a triangle with about 5-10 feet between each player.
- Start by passing it counter-clockwise with their right foot.
- One player starts with the ball and passes it to the player on their right, who then passes it to the next player, who passes it back to the first player.
- After 10 times, you can switch the direction and go clockwise with their left foot.
Players should focus on moving quickly and accurately passing the ball. Have the young player receive it first and then make the pass so it will be two touches.
Shooting Drills
At four years old, children are still developing their gross motor skills and hand-eye coordination.
Shooting drills can be a fun way to develop these skills while also teaching them the basics of scoring a goal.
Shooting Drill #1
One simple drill is to set up a small goal and have the child kick a ball into it from a short distance away.
Have them to aim for the center of the goal and to use the inside of their foot to kick the ball. This will help them learn proper technique and accuracy.
Shooting Drill #2
Another drill is to have the child dribble the ball toward the goal and then take a shot. This will help them practice their ball control and shooting in a more game-like situation.
You can also add in a defender to make it more challenging and teach them how to get around an opponent.
More Fun Soccer Games and Activities for Kids
Whether you are running a practice or playing in the backyard, here are some fun and engaging soccer games for kids.
1. Dribbling Around Cones
This drill is a great way to work on dribbling skills and coordination. Set up a few cones in a line and have the kids dribble the ball around them.
2. Red Light, Green Light
This classic game is a fun way to work on stopping and starting with the ball. Have the kids line up with their balls at one end of the field. When you say “green light,” they can start dribbling towards the other end. When you say “red light,” they have to stop their ball as quickly as possible.
3. Simon Says
This game is a great way to work on listening skills and following directions. Have the kids line up with their balls and give them commands like “Simon says dribble with your left foot” or “Simon says stop your ball.” If they do the wrong thing or don’t follow the “Simon says” command, they’re out.
4. Sharks and Minnows
A classic. This game is a fun way to work on agility and speed. Choose one or two kids to be the “sharks” and have the rest of the kids be the “minnows.” The minnows have to dribble their ball from one end of the field to the other without getting tagged by a shark. If they get tagged, they become a shark too.
Final Thoughts
Remember to always try to keep every kid engaged during soccer drills.
There shouldnโt be much downtime, this is when they lose interest. Or, worse, they start pushing each other out of boredom.
Also, soccer players at this age do not need to train for hours. Instead, 20 min. to 30 min. is ideal for four year olds.
At this age, you are training to win games or develop the next elite player, you are there to establish fundamentals and provide a fun environment.
Always keep it fun with little instruction. I believe the goal of the practice sessions is to get the child to come back again. The more exciting and fun it is, the better chance of them wanting to do it again!
Written By: Beau Bridges
Beau is the founder of SoccerNovo, dedicated to helping players and parents navigate the youth soccer landscape. As a former youth coach and soccer parent, he shares insights on player development, recruiting, and the ever-evolving soccer scene in the U.S.
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