5 Obvious Reasons Why You Aren’t Scoring This Season
Are you frustrated with the lack of goals this season? Do you want to score but just can’t? This article is for you.
Sometimes your lack of scoring starts and ends with you. Other times, it’s almost completely out of your control.
In this article, I’ll go over my top five reasons why you aren’t scoring this season. They may be obvious but crucial to be aware of.
Let’s get it.
You Kinda Want To Score
To be an effective scorer, you have to get yourself to want to. Fully commit to scoring every game.
Try not to go into games thinking it would be nice if you did.
Go out there and put yourself in the mix on every offensive play in the final third.
The best scorers in youth soccer put themselves in opportunistic positions to score. It may be a through ball, a deflection off a defender or keeper, or a banger at the top of the box.
It always starts with your mentality.
Lack of Finishing Training
Many youth teams won’t practice their finishing. Coaches are responsible for the team’s development.
Typically, finishing drills are saved for the end of practice or neglected altogether.
If you are a forward or midfielder, I recommend practicing on your own.
Know when to shoot high or low.
Practice with a partner for game-like situations. Have them roll the ball awkwardly (you’ll never get a perfect pass) and take a touch then shoot. Repeat this over and over again.
If your coach decides to implement shooting drills in practice, it’s gravy.
You Try to Shoot It With All Your Power
Scoring goals in soccer isn’t how hard you hit the ball. You also have to place it so the keeper can’t save it.
I would argue that youth soccer players should prioritize placement over power.
Sometimes it’s impossible to save a ball going into the low corner. But, you can easily sky the ball over the goal. In these two scenarios, you’re talking about a shot likely to score versus a shot that has no chance.
Placement > Power.
Tactics & Formation
Remember when I said sometimes you not scoring is out of your control? A lot has to do with the tactics and formation your coaches establish.
Defensive formations such as a 5-4-1 or a 4-5-1 make it more difficult to score goals. This is especially true if your midfielders can’t control the middle.
On the flip side, attacking formations such as a 4-3-3 or a 4-2-4 give you more players up top. This can create more scoring opportunities but leaves your defense with more responsibility.
You’re Not a True Striker
Knowing your strengths and weaknesses is important as a player.
If you are not scoring goals this season, it could be because you are not a true striker. Sometimes players and parents don’t like to see or admit it.
A true striker is someone who has a natural ability to score goals and is always in the right place at the right time.
You may be playing as a striker, but if you do not have the instincts and skills of a true striker, you may struggle to score goals.
Can you develop into a better striker? Certainly!
I’ve seen many players in different positions develop into elite strikers.
How do you do it? Reverse the reasons I mentioned above.
- Really want to score every game. Put yourself in opportunistic positions.
- Train like a striker. Take the time every week to work on your finishing.
- Prioritize placement over power. Work the corners and strike the ball more direct.
- Use your formation to your advantage.
- Get into the mindset that you are a true striker.
Written By: Beau Bridges
Beau is the founder of SoccerNovo, dedicated to helping players and parents navigate the youth soccer landscape. As a former youth coach and soccer parent, he shares insights on player development, recruiting, and the ever-evolving soccer scene in the U.S.
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