Learn How to Avoid These 5 Biggest Mistakes as a Center Back

As a center back, you are responsible for making it difficult for your opponent to score. Other than the goalie, you are the last line of defense.
This 👆 is a lot of responsibility! I know you can handle it.
In this article, I’ll go over the top five mistakes center backs make and how to avoid them.
5 Reasons Why You Aren’t a Better Center Back
It’s important to identify the mistakes you’re making and work to correct them if you want to improve in your position.
Here are five common reasons why you might not be the best center back you can be:
Poor Positioning
Good defensive positioning is essential for a center back. You need to be in the right place at the right time to intercept passes, make tackles, and clear the ball.
Poor positioning can lead to gaps in the defense. This can lead to more scoring opportunities for your opponents.
Solution: Make sure you fully understand where you need to be in your team’s formation. Stay focused at all times during the game.
Poor Communication with Teammates
As a center back, you need to be able to be the General of the team. Since you are the last line of the defense, you get to see the entire field.
Without clear communication, you may find that your team is disorganized. Disorganizations leads to your defense being very vulnerable.
Solution: Communicate with your defenders, your goalkeeper, and the rest of your team. Do this in practice, games, and off the field. And, don’t stop.
Mistiming Challenges
Timing is (almost) everything in soccer. Mistiming your challenges can be a costly mistake.
If you go in for a tackle too early or too late, you may miss the ball or even give away a penalty.
I’ve seen many youth defenders slide tackle too early which leads to easy goals.
Solution: It’s important to work on your timing and make sure you’re always in control of your challenges. Make sure your mind is working slightly faster than your body.
Ball Watching
For any soccer player, being fixated on the ball can be costly.
While it’s important to keep an eye on the ball, it’s equally important to be aware of the movement of the opposing players.
When you focus too much on the ball, you can lose sight of the players around you. This can lead to through balls that result in goals.
Solution: Keep your head on a swivel. Know who’s ahead of you and behind you. Continue to scan the field.
Failing to Anticipate Opponent Moves
Lastly, failing to anticipate your opponent’s moves can be a major mistake.
As a defender, you need to be able to read the game and understand what the other team and players are trying to do.
By anticipating your opponent’s moves, you can get into a better position and make clean tackles.
Solution: Study the game. Learn to see the field in its entirety, not just one play.
Final Thoughts on the Center Back Position
As a center back, a lot of responsibility is riding on your shoulders. It takes a special player to play the position.
By being put in this position, your coach and teammates have a lot of trust in you. Don’t screw it up…I’m kidding.
In addition to the things I mentioned above, having a strong mindset is crucial. The best youth center backs I’ve seen are tough as nails.
They don’t let one play dictate the rest of their game. If they are knocked down, they get right back up. The team tends to follow their lead.
With a great center back many teams can stay in the game. They can help keep the score low so their team has a chance to win!
Written By: Beau Bridges
Beau is the founder of SoccerNovo, dedicated to helping players and parents navigate the youth soccer landscape. As a former youth coach and soccer parent, he shares insights on player development, recruiting, and the ever-evolving soccer scene in the U.S.
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